Receiving a diagnosis about cognitive change can be a very anxious time for you and the people closest to you.

It is important for us all to remember that you are the same person you were before you received your diagnosis. Everyone’s experience of cognitive change is so varied and one size does not fit all.

Our support takes into consideration a person’s whole life, relationships, daily pleasures, and what brings joy, meaning and security to your life.

We acknowledge that people with cognitive change have unique qualities. We take time to build relationships and are creative in how we connect and communicate.


Your story is your experiences in life that are unique to you: your background, your family, your beliefs. This is what makes you, you! By sharing your stories we will learn from each other and we will work with you to create your own unique plan that will support, inspire and encourage you to continue living your life.

What we can do for you

Well being and quality of life

We believe it is important to embrace a person’s individuality. We are passionate about working with you and your care partners to create a life worth living. Our support planners will talk to you about your goals for your wellbeing, health and lifestyle to ensure you receive the support that is right for you and those closest to you. Together with you, we design a personalised plan that is suited to your needs so that you can continue to live in your home.

Domestic Assistance

We can provide support around your home, such as shopping and cleaning. After all, there are better things to do in life than cleaning!

Social Support

We encourage our clients to remain engaged in their choice of recreational, social, therapeutic and pastoral activities. We will assist you to fill your daily life with variety and spontaneity and support you to remain independent in your own home and enjoy your social and spiritual connections.

Respite for Carers

Making time for yourself is important for your own wellbeing. Respite may be for a few hours, a day, a night or a week; your options are almost endless and the choice is yours. We encourage carers to plan a routine of respite as it is a proven way to reduce carers’ stress.

We offer a carers’ support group, who meet regularly. The members give each other encouragement, and reduce the feelings of isolation by sharing stories. We have beautiful Jubilee House, custom built for respite care. At our Day Club your loved one can meet new friends and have day out.

Home Care Packages

As your needs change and increase, you can transition to the Home Care Packages program. Together, we will discuss your goals and support needs and design a Home Care Package just for you.